One of the fundamentals of a successful company is to ensure sanitary conditions throughout the facility. A properly sanitized establishment will help create lasting relationships with clients and customers. To accomplish this, one must have a consistent and effective pest management program in place. Ridding a commercial facility of pests, rodents and animal infestations is just the first step. From there, proper cleanup and removal, sanitation and deodorization services must be performed. This can only be fulfilled successfully with an ongoing relationship with a modern, state-of-the-art pest management company. Having a restaurant sanitation plan is a crucial part of staying ahead of the game to keep those pests, and rodents out.

Pests Can Spread Disease

Pest and rodent infestations expose commercial companies to great risks and dangers by spreading diseases and bacteria throughout the facility. This places employees and customers in a position of exposure to a variety of debilitating and even deadly health issues.

  • West Nile virus, Lyme disease and other Vector-Borne diseases can be carried and spread by mosquitoes, ticks and rodents.
  • Cockroaches are a leading contributor to asthma and allergies.
  • Avian flu, often referred to as bird flu, is actually an infection that occurs often in birds and, while this virus can occur in humans, the risk is relatively low with most people.

While this is just a sample of the comprehensive list of potential health issues from unsanitary conditions as a result of pests, there are several prevention measures that each company should implement. These prevention tips should be administered on a regular basis to maintain effective pest control.

Tips to Prevent Pests

  1. Knowing that pests and rodents require food, water and shelter, begin your prevention program by removing these essential needs.
  2. Thorough cleanliness is a must throughout the building. Concentrate on lunchrooms and break rooms, keeping floors swept and counter tops clean at all times.
  3. Keep food sources inaccessible to pests and rodents by storing all edibles in pest proof containers.
  4. Inspect for any water leaks and repair as needed. This includes condensation dripping from cold water lines. Condensation can be easily corrected with foam insulated water line covers.
  5. Eliminate all other sources of available water. This includes low spots close to the foundation, bird baths, water buckets, clogged rain gutters and potted plant trays.
  6. Seal off all points of entry. This will include inspecting for any cracks around windows and doors, holes in foundations, utility line access, open vents to attic or crawl spaces and door sweeps under entry doors and overhead delivery doors.

In addition to these preventive measures, contact your local Copesan pest management company to administer an ongoing program for removal of all pests and maintaining a well-sanitized facility.