Every year, January signals the beginning of a new chapter, a fresh start, a blank page. Many people set resolutions or goals based on what they want to change or how they want to grow in the coming year. This year, make having a pest-free business one of your New Year’s resolutions!

There are many factors that can contribute to pest pressures – the building’s location, the type of product sold or manufactured, the area’s climate and so on. However, while specific pest prevention strategies can vary from business to business, there are some common steps that all businesses can take to aid pest prevention efforts. Consider implementing the following steps to keep pests out of your business in 2022.

1. Involve company employees in the pest management program.

While service technicians provide expertise on inspection, prevention and pest biology, employees offer a valuable contribution to the pest management program – being at the location every day and being the eyes in the field. This year, train employees on what pest evidence (droppings, rub marks, damaged product, etc.) looks like and what process to follow when they find something. Encourage employees to report any findings to management so it can be relayed to the service technician. Employee observations can help the technician understand the pest activity and pressures the location is facing.

2. Set a consistent cleaning schedule.

In addition to regular cleaning tasks, deep cleaning needs to be completed, especially in hard-to-reach areas, on a weekly basis. Designate a specific day or time to conduct deep cleaning tasks and remind employees of the significance of cleaning for pest prevention.

3. Talk to the service technician every visit.

Successful pest management programs are built on a strong relationship between provider and client. Make it a goal in 2022 to talk to the service technician during every visit. This interaction allows both parties to voice any concerns and ask any questions. Report any pest sightings or findings to your provider, and in turn, they should make you aware of any conditions that could be contributing to pest pressures at your location.

4. Reflect on the previous year with your service technician.

Make time to discuss what worked and what didn’t in the pest management program from the previous year. Ask any questions you may have and inform the technician of any upcoming changes that will happen that could affect pest pressures. Changes that may impact pests include the building undergoing construction or a new food source or trash receptible  being added to the employee breakroom.

5. If you don’t have a commercial pest management program in place, contact Copesan!

Our best practice-driven Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs and services are designed to fit the unique needs of your industry and can be customized to your business.

If you have questions about commercial pest control or would like to learn more about how Copesan can help you in your prevention efforts, reach out to us!