Cockroaches aren’t just a safety concern for businesses. The sight of just one cockroach in your facility, store or restaurant can be enough to damage your brand. Preventing cockroaches from entering your business in the first place is key to preventing an infestation. Following the below tips can help reduce the chance of cockroaches invading your business.

How to Prevent Cockroaches in Your Business

Keep Your Business Clean

Sanitation and cleaning are critical to preventing a cockroach infestation. Every employee is responsible for ensuring there is no food or water available for cockroach survival. In fact, the best way to ensure a clean facility is to set up a cleaning schedule. However, this schedule is the minimum requirement. Additional cleaning, deep cleaning, or further detailed cleaning is always helpful for preventing cockroaches.

For any cleaning process, consider doing the following. Sweep up crumbs in break areas. Wipe up spills immediately, and don’t leave wet or dirty mops out after cleaning. Dirty drains are another hot spot for cockroaches—especially American cockroaches. Keep them clean, too. Use stiff brushes to reach places where liquid cleaners don’t flow.

Inspect All Deliveries and Process Quickly

Inspect incoming shipments for cockroaches. If a supplier is transporting cockroaches with the rest of a delivery, consider other options. Do not accept cockroach-infested or questionable deliveries.

Even if you don’t see cockroaches, remove cardboard boxes and other corrugated packaging materials from your business as quickly as possible. German cockroaches (as well as other pests) love to hide in corrugated cardboard. In addition, avoid clutter, and don’t store any supplies for more than 30 days. Processing all shipments quickly will help eliminate risks.

Use Pest Monitors in Cockroach Prone Areas

Use pest monitors in warm or moist areas to detect the early stages of an infestation. If cockroaches are detected, contact your pest control provider immediately to identify the species and recommend appropriate control measures. A cockroach problem is easier (and less expensive) to control if detected early.

Report Sightings to Your Pest Control Professional

Report any sightings of live cockroaches to your pest management professional. If possible, kill or capture the insect. Record the date, time, and exactly where the cockroach was found. Even if you notice dead cockroaches, it’s best to inform your pest professional.

Adopt an Effective IPM Strategy

Because every business is unique, it’s important to work with a pest management professional who understands your needs and the pest pressures you face. Ask for cockroach prevention tips from an experienced technician who is familiar with your situation and can provide you with best practices—including IPM principles.

Contact Copesan for More Information on Cockroach Prevention

If you have questions about cockroach prevention in your business, contact Copesan. Our network of expert pest professionals can provide you with the localized, tailored pest management solutions you need.