Cockroaches have created quite a name for themselves. They are known for being tough to kill and for multiplying quickly, especially in favorable conditions. German cockroaches in a commercial environment can be more than just difficult to handle, they can spread diseases, contaminate product, scare away customers, and seriously affect your bottom line.

If you’ve noticed cockroaches in your commercial facility, you may be wondering how they got there. Cockroaches can enter your building in several different ways, either through cracks or crevices in the building or in shipments and even inside products received by the facility. In warm weather, cockroaches have also been known to migrate from building to building.

When cockroaches enter your facility, they seek warm, humid places to hide. They can be found in appliances, underneath and inside sinks, in closets, above ceiling panels and many more places. Cockroaches are nocturnal insects, often seen at night and darting away from bright lights. In the evening, they come out to feed, eating pretty much anything with nutritional value. If the conditions are just right, a pair of cockroaches can produce up to 400,000 descendants in a year’s time. Their ability to multiply rapidly means that a cockroach infestation can quickly get out of control and must be eradicated as soon as signs appear.

With their ability to spread diseases, cockroaches can pose a danger to humans and to any products in your facility. Cockroaches spend a lot of time in dumpsters and sewers, where they can pick up pathogenic organisms. They are known for transmitting bacteria and germs to commercial facilities, which can cause you to fail sanitation audits. This can also cause problems for your employees and any products you may work with or produce. The best way to avoid a cockroach problem is to work with a commercial pest management specialist to eliminate the conditions that allow cockroaches to thrive.

Cockroach Prevention Tips

The professionals at Copesan can offer a few cockroach prevention tips to keep these pests from making your facility home.

  1. Regular sanitation efforts are a must. A lapse in your sanitation efforts can create an environment that attracts cockroaches.
  2. Schedule time to regularly deep clean all appliances and equipment — the cleaner the environment, the less chance cockroaches will be attracted.
  3. Have the exterior dumpster garbage removed from the premises every couple of days. In warmer weather, make sure the trash is removed daily.
  4. Have a barrier around your facility of at least 18 inches of crushed rock or gravel. This can eliminate the harborage areas for pests, including cockroaches.
  5. Partner with a commercial pest management professional to make sure that your facility is always working toward a pest-free environment.

At Copesan, our pest management professionals deal with cockroaches on a regular basis. We know what is required to eliminate the pests and how to create environments that don’t allow these pests to thrive in the first place. Call today to find a Copesan local service provider near you!